Behind the exam

SAQ paper done! Now we have made it to the vivas….

The title of this post reminds me of ABC show Behind the News, a news program created for children in the upper years of primary school, to demystify current news. It is now in its 48th year of production ( I remember watching it at school in the early ’80s)

Well here is my ” Behind the Exam” – a little photo series from the weekend before the vivas held in April. There is a whole team of people working to make the exam as fair and pleasant experience as it can be (I know achieving the latter is a tough ask 😉)

A special mention must be given to Moira and Diana, the Primary Exam team. They put in a massive effort, especially around exam time, to ensure that things run smoothly for both the candidates and examiners

A highlight of the viva week is Colleen’s delicious fare. It is available, in abundance, at the results announcement each evening. Please come along – we look forward to seeing you there!